DIY: Succulent Terrarium

My new favorite item at home is a DIY succulent terrarium that I quickly put together in less than 30 minutes!

Start off with a clean Wide Mouth Clear Glass Container.  You can find a lot of different sizes and shapes at any craft stores or garden stores. Found mine on sale at the pet store, made for beta fish! I love how the top opening is angular and is different from any other glass containers that I've seen around.

Spread 1-2 inches of Charcoal at the bottom of the container to help with water drainage.

Add enough soil into the container to surround all the succulents.  I used most of the soil included on each individual succulent and just added more as needed. Gently settle the bottom of each succulent into the soil  making sure each one of them has enough soil and room for their roots.

My Selection of Succulents were picked up from local Orchard Supply Hardware store.  The choices of succulents are endless with different colors, shapes and sizes. I liked to mix up mine and added some soft, colored ones with some big and small thorny ones.

Now, go for a quick trip to your local garden store and you'll be amazed at how much pretty selections they have and how easy to make yourself one! Enjoy!


FEATURE: Rubyellen Bratcher of Cakies Blog


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