Posts tagged tips
Quick Guide to the Rose Bowl Flea Market

If you are following my personal account on Instagram, you probably already know that I recently swam in a sea of Levi's Cutoffs at the Rose Bowl Flea Market. Yes, I did. See proof here.

A lot has been written and said about the Rose Bowl Flea Market and YES, you should believe them when they say it is one of the best, if not THE BEST in Los Angeles. So, don't miss out. With over 2,500 vendors to choose from and over 20,000 shoppers who come to the event, it is indeed one of the most famous markets in the world.

Read on as I share my tips and quick guide to ace your shopping trip to the Rose Bowl Flea Market.

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My 5 Favorite Photo Editing Apps

Like most of us, I always like to make my Instagram photos look fresh and pretty! Almost always, it is just my iPhone with me to take all these photos and with a help of these photo editing apps, they make my photos better!

So to everyone who has asked me before, today I am sharing my five Favorite Photo Editing Apps for IOS.  Some may also be available on the Google App Store, but these are mainly IOS Apps I am sharing.

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My 5 Favorite Online Business Tools

Managing your own business can be overwhelming.  I used to have those days when I couldn't even tell where to begin.  I would have post-its, printouts, and notebooks here and there that included my TO-DO Lists.  And yes it was hard to manage in various places.  Over the last year, I've put together a system for myself and my business so I know exactly what I need to do and actually see accomplishments.

My system includes 5 of my favorite online business tools that I can no longer live without. Sharing all those with you today! 

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